Download Acunetix WVS Version 11 + Activator

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Hi sobat pixel kali ini gue mau bagiin tools acunetix version 11 ya seperti yang kalian tau bahwa Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner adalah sebuah alat layanan aplikasi web untuk pengujian keamanan otomatis yang mengaudit aplikasi web Anda dengan memeriksa kerentanan seperti SQL Injection, Cross site scripting, dan kerentanan web yang dieksploitasi lainnya. Acunetix merupakan alat otomatis yang dapat membantu perusahaan memindai aplikasi web mereka untuk mengidentifikasi dan menyelesaikan kerentanan dieksploitasi. Wow sangat powerfull bukan?

Features Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner Version:
- Acusensor technology
- The most sophisticated and deep industry in SQL injection and Cross site scripting testing.
- Supports full HTML5 with Acunetix DeepScan Technology
- Comprehensive scanning application for both Single Pages and JavaScript-based sites
- Supports Mobile web sites
- Can detect Blind XSS vulnerabilities with AcuMonitor service
- Can automatically detect DOM-based XSS vulnerabilities
- Advanced penetration testing tools, such as HTTP Editor and HTTP Fuzzer
- Extensive reporting facilities including PCI compliance reports
- Multi-threaded and lightning scanners quickly crawl hundreds of thousands of pages easily.
- A brand new web interface re-engineered from the ground up for greater usability and manageability (New Version 11)
- New integrated vulnerability management features to prioritize and manage vulnerabilities (New Version 11)
- Multi-user, Multi-role features (New Version 11)
- Issue tracker integration (New Version 11)
Acunetix v11 focuses on closing the remediation gap faster, with less friction and more insight.

Langsung aja kalian dapat download toolsnya di bawah ini
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Oiya jika link mati atau kesulitan saat menginstallnya comment ya kak! Dont forget to share and see you next time byee~

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